Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chapter 3: Motion Frisbee Hats Are The New Black

What up guys? Hope you guys can still breathe.
I was literally laughing and choking at the same time when I read Q's post. xDD
Chapter 3 is underway!

Seeing the leftover stick of butter on the bench, Lotty lightly leaped onto it, peered at the stick and licked it. She had a pondering look on her face, shrugged, and ate the entire stick of butter.
Seeming unsatisfied, Lotty went a bit further and started to gnaw on the bench itself.
As she was gnawing, she was looking off into the distance as if she were in a trance. However, a movement caught her eye and broke her out of the zone: a dog was about to catch a frisbee.
Lotty squeaked loudly and bolted into the air and pounced onto the dog as he caught the frisbee. The dog yelped in a surprised and helpless way as if crying out "Gah! Help meeeee!"
Lotty curled into a ball with the dog in her arms and rolled at amazing speed after Cutish.

Cutish a good distance ahead was quite sure that she had lost the weird kid that called herself a lightning babeh. Looking back down the sidewalk, the girl was nowhere in sight, so she sat down against the white picket fence.
Lotty then came rolling by swiftly and created a huge dust mound, despite it being a perfectly clean and trimmed suburban sidewalk. As the dust settled, Lotty had quit rolling.
Mid-momentum, she stood up and held the dog out, smiled at it and hugged him to the top of her head. The dog looked incredibly lost and freaked out.
Seeing Cutish, Lotty immediately glomped Cutish with the dog hanging onto Lotty's head for dear life.
"Ahh! What the hell was that for? You're still here? I didn't tell you to go away and leave me the hell alone? Well, go away and leave me the hell alone, kid! Sheesh."
"YES! I'm here! I got a bit lost back there...the butter told me where you went. And I found you now! Yay! Oh, and I found my lost pet, too! See?" Lotty asked as she looked up and motioned towards the dazed canine.
"Er...there are pets in lightning world?" Cutish asked with obvious skepticism in her voice as she gave a disgruntled look towards the dog.
Lotty took the frisbee still lodged in the dog's mouth and began patting Cutish's head with it happily, "'Course noooooooot! He's a dirt doggy!"
"...You mean earth doggy?"
"Maybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...Can we keep him? Can we? Can we? Can we? Can weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?"
"Firstly, there is no WE, remember? Just leave ME alone and go back to where YOU came from, okay?"
"But...but...but...Lotty can't go back! I have Cutish to protect now. I have Cutish and doggeh to watch over," she exclaimed in a desperate tone.
Lotty then picked up the dog and pressed her nose against the dog's nose, "You need a name!" she said lovingly.
"Protect? From what?! And God knows how you could protect anything. You look like the kind of pers....creature that would create chaos anywhere she goes!" Cutish said as she grasped her head as if she had a headache.
"No. I have no need of a lightning baby's services, thank you. Please. Just...go away," Cutish said as she closed her eyes and turned her head away.
"D'awwwwwwww. You kinda coooooot when you act mad, Cutish!"
"I'm not acting! Dammit! Go the hell away, you freak! God!"
As Cutish continued to fume, Lotty began to pat Cutish's head again happily with the frisbee, "Akeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. If you needs me, I'll be riiiiight behind youuuuu!!," Lotty gleefully yelled as she squished her way between the picket fence and Cutish's back, grinning so widely that her pearly whites took up the majority of the space on her face.

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